Turion Notebook Chip Sighting!

A Turion in the wild has been sighted! Hopefully the 1st of several to keep Intel honest and give them a run for the moolah.
THE SHARP EYED folk at Silicon Investor point the INQ to an Arima web page which shows the specs of another Turion 64 notebook.
This machine is far from snappily called the W622-UK8X which is a tongue twister in any language, but comes with some very respectable specs.

We don't know how much it costs yet, but we bet our bottom dollar that we'll see stacks of Turion 64 notebooks at Computex real soon now.

That is, unless Intel did what it did two years ago and paid oof to the vendors just to keep AMD products off their booths, or stands as we call them in Blighty.

See the specs including a choice of Sempron or Turion 2600+ to 3200+ processor. Very promising.

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