Notebook Mouse Roundup

This is a nice article comparing optical, notebook mice. Very complete and well done.
These cordless, optical notebook mice represent a lot of technology in a compact and portable package. Thankfully, all three mice did function as advertised, and lived up to their expectations. While any of the mice will get the job done, with each increase in price comes a corresponding increase in features. By figuring the budget, you can calculate how much mouse to buy, and if the features will meet your needs. These mice are ideal for the user who desires a more elegant solution for interfacing with their notebook on an extended basis. None will make you toss your desktop mouse, but all are close substitutes for making life on the road much more comfortable.

Logitech V500 Without further delay, the mouse that will find room in my laptop bag is the Logitech V500. While there is a price premium on it, its set of standout features makes it my able companion on the road. The choice was not easy, and the Kensington unit was a very close second.

This testing was completed in April; some now call this news!

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