Samsung DVD Writer Reviewed

There are a lot of drive reviews out there lately. This is the latest effort from Samsung. It has some rough spots, but overall a good drive. They just never look too attractive when Microcenter is selling them in clear plastic bags like they were pulled from a garbage dump.
- The Good

- Good CD and DVD error correction capabilities
- Supports audio protected discs
- Can create working backups of Safedisc v3.1
- No problems against Key2Audio and CDS200 AudioCD protections
- Magic Speed utility
- Supports bitsetting for DVD+R and DVD+R DL

- The Bad

- Cannot play 90/99min Audio CDs
- Cannot overburn DVD recordable media
- No DVD-RAM support

- Like To be fixed

- Writing quality with specific DVD media
- Minor Booktype issue with +RW media

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